Dear Sir/Madam,
The information you have supplied in response to the Netogreen questionnaire indicates that some changes should be made in your diet. In order to improve your health and quality of life a lactose controlled diet is recommended.
All dietary changes involve learning, experimenting, and figuring out what is right for you. This is the most difficult part of incorporating changes into your daily life. However, you have a lot to gain. Taking steps to change your diet will help put you in control of your health, give you the ability to take care of your nutritional needs and successfully end behaviors that may be harmful to your health.
Changing your diet is not an easy process and unfortunately there may be setbacks. Keep in mind that you know what foods to avoid and you can always return to the diet if for some reason you stray from the path. Remember to take things one step at a time and you will easily adapt to your new diet.
This is your opportunity to take control and be a winner.
We wish you all the best in achieving your goal and are available at any time to answer your questions.
The Netogreen Staff
Lactose intolerance is caused by a decrease in the effectiveness of lactase secretion. The body loses its ability to digest/break down milk sugar (lactose).
Why do you need a lactose controlled diet?
Because your body cannot digest lactose, it should be removed from the diet and a low lactose or lactose free diet is recommended. Milk and milk products are the only sources of lactose in the human diet. Eating lactose causes unpleasant symptoms such as stomach aches, flatulence and bloating in the digestive tract.
Adapting a diet that is low lactose or lactose-free will help you:
Alleviate the symptoms that are causing you discomfort.
Improve your overall health, sense of well-being and quality of life.
How to begin a lactose controlled diet
The Netogreen program will provide you with all the information you need to make changes in your diet, but it is your responsibility to carry out these changes.
In order to help you in correctly planning simple menus, Netogreen provides easy-to-follow information, choices and plans.
We are always happy to answer all your questions.
Good luck on your undertaking!
What do you need to know to be successful?
Starting a lactose controlled diet means that you must cut back the amount of lactose in your diet, and preferably avoid lactose entirely. You must make wise choices when choosing milk products and only choose products that have very little or no lactose.
We recommend that you learn and think about the principles of your new diet and choose from the recommended list of foods. The list has been prepared for you by the Netogreen experts and your job is to pick out the foods you prefer.
A. Principles of a lactose free diet:
Reduction of lactose in the diet by limiting milk products.
Distribution of milk products containing small amounts of lactose over the course of the day.
Personal menu planning in order to prevent possible nutritional deficiencies.
B. Choosing foods with low lactose content:
Consuming milk products with low levels of lactose is important to ensure your body gets sufficient calcium and Vitamin D.
Choose milk products with low levels of lactose. Low or lactose free milk is recommended (the milk undergoes a process that almost entirely breaks down the lactose thus it does not cause symptoms when it is consumed).
Avoid consuming more than 6-12 grams of lactose per day. If you want to increase lactose consumption, it is recommended to do it gradually over the course of several weeks.
Use tables of lactose content of foods in order to learn the lactose content of different milk products.
Eat milk products at meals or along with other foods.
Prefer cheeses or fermented milk products that bacteria have broken down the lactose.
Lactase is available commercially and can be added to milk products to reduce lactose content. Use of these products should be done after consultation with a physician or dietitian.
It is recommended to take a calcium supplement in order to prevent deficiency of this mineral. Soy products are a good substitute for milk products. They are rich in calcium and provide high quality protein.
We recommend that you have a personal consultation with a dietitian in order to ensure your diet does not have nutritional inadequacies.
C. The Netogreen list of food choices
The majority of individuals that suffer from lactose intolerance are able to consume small amounts of lactose with no negative side effects. Six to twelve grams daily can usually be eaten if consumed as part of a meal. The following table provides information that will allow you to choose products with low lactose content that should consumed over the course of the day. This should help you make wise food choices for your daily menu.
Lactose Content in Different Food Products:
In milk products that do not contain added sugar, the amount of carbohydrate that is listed on the nutrition label reflects the amount of lactose in the product.
Dairy Products
1 cup
Acidophilus Milk
1 cup
11 g
Milk nonfat, 1%, 2%, whole
1 cup
11 g
Chocolate milk
1 cup
11 g
1 oz
0-2 g
American cheese
1 oz
1 g
Sharp Cheddar cheese
1 oz
Swiss cheese
1 oz
1 g
Bleu cheese
1 oz
2 g
1 oz
1 g
Ice cream
½ cup
6 g
Ice milk
½ cup
9 g
1 tsp
Yogurt, plain, low-fat
1 cup
5 g
Cream cheese
1 oz
0.5 g
Cottage cheese
½ cup
2–3 g
Foods made with dairy products may also contain lactose. Read food labels carefully and if any of the following ingredients appear on the list of ingredients, there is a good chance the food contains lactose:
Butter, caseinates, cheese, cream, curds, dry milk solids, lactose, milk, milk by-products, milk solids, milk sugar, non-fat dry milk powder, skim milk solids, whey, yogurt.
Pay special attention to puddings, cream soups, cream or cheese sauces, salad dressings, baked goods and instant mixes.
There are numerous lactose free alternatives that are good sources of calcium and vitamin D. 100% lactose free milk, Ensure and Boost. Rice milk and soy milk are also lactose free alternatives but not all brands contain calcium and vitamin D.
Any Questions?
The Netogreen Staff is happy to serve you at any time